McGehee x Irene 2024

Appalachian Mountains Litter

Born June 28th, 2024

End of Week 1: July 1-5


  • Day 3: Milk Supply & ENS

    Irene’s milk started coming in on Day 3. Finally everyone is gaining greater % weight.

    ENS started Day 3. We’re already seeing personalities and tendencies based on their responses to these exercises. Fascinating stuff!

  • More on ENS

    ENS consists of five 3-5 second exercises that induce stress in a controlled fashion.

    - Tactile stimulation (between toes)

    - Head held erect

    - Head pointed down

    - Supine position

    - Thermal stimulation

    Dr. Battaglia claims that doing these exercises will result life-long benefits.

  • This sounds fantastic, right? However, there is a balance between the optimal amount of stimulation and too much stimulation. In the same way that optimal stimulation is beneficial for growth, too much stimulation and stress is detrimental.

    Puppy Culture and AviDog protocols balance the need for early stimulation by urging breeders to skip ENS on days that are otherwise stressful. (Or skip ENS entirely for litters born under extremely stressful conditions, i.e. rescue or abandonment). I opt to pass on ENS on tail dock day and nail trim days.

  • Day 4

    Incubator and oxygen is packed up for the next litter. These little guys don’t need it anymore!

    The litter is nursing together and gaining without my help.

  • Day 5-7: Enrichment Effect

    On Day 5, we get the ball rolling on the Enrichment Effect.

    Rolled up towels are placed under the whelping fleece and safe, stuffed toys are added to the whelping box. The rolled towels create small hills and valleys for the puppies to crawl over. The toys also serve to add varied texture and terrain to the environment.

  • Puppies raised in enriched environments display more curiosity and engagement with their surroundings and greater interest in people. Though the research does not indicate huge long-term gains, enrichment is easy to achieve and increases quality of life for the puppies.

    The towels and toys are changed each day to create novelty.

Early Neurological Stimulaton

  • ENS: Tactile Stimulation

    Pico (teal girl) modeling the tactile stimulation portion. A q-tip is gently rotated on either both front paws or both rear paws. I switch them up each session. Some puppies reflexively spread their toe and others seem not to mind.

  • ENS: Head Erect

    Woody (peach boy) models the head erect portion of ENS.

  • ENS: Head Down

    Laurel (violet girl) models the head down portion of ENS. Some puppies may squirm or vocalize while others remain calm.

  • ENS: Supine

    Woody (peach boy) models the supine position. We usually see a strong righting reflect for this portion but some puppies will calmly accept this.

  • ENS: Thermal Stimulation

    Pico (teal girl) modeling the thermal stimulation portion. I don’t go crazy with the thermal difference- this is a lukewarm wet wash cloth. Puppies may try crawling off the surface, vocalize, or nudge at the cloth with their faces.

the Boys

  • Herman

  • Chic-Choc

  • Carleton

  • Woody

  • Higby

the Girls

  • Ellen

    Red collar

  • Midi

  • Pico

    Teal collar

  • Frissell

    Navy collar. Frissell says selfies are for losers so here’s her backside.

  • Laurel

    Violet collar
