McGehee x Irene 2024
Appalachian Mountains Litter
Born June 28th, 2024
Week 9: Aug 24-30
Crate conditioning cont
New pen configuration in the dog room to facilitate easier potty breaks outside! Puppies are using the litter less and less as they opt to hold it for outside.
They spent Friday night in crates and did quite well. No poopy accidents!
Litter Evaluation Day 8/28
Huge thanks to Jill (stud owner), Connie, Christi (co-breeder), and John for making the trip to Dayton for evals. It's too much fun to sort through a litter with discerning eyes!
Lime girl is the pick bitch. Name tbd.
Christi took Laurel, violet collar girl, as her pick.
More fun outside
This week was a hot one!
Turned on the sprinkler!
Lead training
Another car ride to my parents