McGehee x Irene 2024

Appalachian Mountains Litter

Born June 28th, 2024

Week 4: July 20-26


  • New surfaces

    Puppies were exposed to new surfaces, formally and informally. This is just a bath mat but for them, it’s the most curious sensation and smell.

  • Bodywork continues

    The puppies are taking to the sit restraints very well. Down restraints are coming next week. The standing Be Still cue will be introduced along with the grooming.

  • Startle reflex & sound CDs

    We kept working the startle reflex with sudden, loud noises and played the sound CD for them on low-medium volume.

  • Litterbox progress

    Puppies are making it to the litterbox for most poops and maybe half of the pee. Hooray!

  • Fresh , clean puppies!

    Puppies wrapped up the week with a bath and clean faces. Love seeing their faces!

the Boys

  • Herman

  • Chic-Choc

  • Carleton

  • Woody

  • Higby

the Girls

  • Ellen

  • Midi

    Lime collar

  • Pico

  • Frissell

    Navy collar

  • Laurel

    Violet collar
