Can you hear me now? End of week 3
Boy, oh boy, did the personalities start emerging this week! We have some very vocal, brazen explorers (looking at you Pulu and Pink) and some real snugglers (sweet Abisko, Galapagos, and Acadia).
The pig-rails were removed and the lowest door option added to the box. The litter is walking fairly well and very eager to leave the box without the higher barrier. Irene is much more comfortable leaving her litter between nursing and cleaning.
Litter training also started this week, but there’s more on that topic on the Week 3 Gallery page.
The end of this week marks the end of the Transitional Period and the beginning of the Socialization Period.
We are in for it now! Lots of fun stuff coming up. Nakia and I built the AviDog Adventure Box last weekend. I can’t wait to break it out this week and watch the litter interact with it.
For week three, I switched to lbs:oz for weight…
The largest puppy is still Pulu man at 2lbs 11.5oz. He’s a ridiculous chunk but we love him.
Smallest puppy is now Sequoia at just under 2lbs.
The rest of the litter is hovering around 2lbs 6oz. I am very pleased with their development, growth, and mobility for three week old puppies.